Electric Trash Dot Com
This Site is dedicated to the electronic flotsam and jetsam of the open web.
It is a compilation of interesting links. If you find omissions, or would like to make an addition please make a pull request.
- Superbad
- Internet K-hole
- Kicks Condor
- Slime Daughter
- Wiley Wiggins
- The Diagram
- Fish
- Julia Sets
- Nadia Enghbal
- oMoMA
- Mosquito JS
- goooooogle.com
- theuselessweb
- Koalas To The Max
- Corndogs
- VR Oedipus
- Random Colour
- Endless horse
- Algorat
- Always Judge A Book By Its Cover
- Trash Loop
- Sandspiel
- Astronaut IO
- High Entropy Shoes
- GIF Melter
- Deep Sea
- Hypernom
- GIF Party
- Plug Socket Museum
- Teleportacia
- http.cat
- Animals within Animals
- Seismic Dream
- Zeptobars
- Cameron's World
- Center of the World
- Unkonwable Symbols